Our club was invited out to Ken’s Shed in Kumeu to be featured on the Hot Rod Show, most people were really keen to come along to participate in the day’s event. There was a great selection of cars and everyone had a great day watching the filming and there were 3 cars selected to be featured for the filming, the selection was done by the producer of the show, so even though not all the cars were selected everyone had a good day out, watching the filming and having a nice cruise from Orewa to Kumeu.
The Annual Hibiscus Rodders Wrinkly Run in aid of Age Concern is run in October each year. This has been run for many years now, every year the older people are taken somewhere different, this year they were taken out to Ken’s Shed in Kumeu to watch the filming of the Hot Rod Show with Doug Bell. It was a great day out, 31 “Wrinkleys” were transported from Orewa for a nice cruise out to Kumeu. They love going out in the big American cars and some of them can remember having some of the older model cars when they were younger. The club enjoys doing this, it gives us a sense of giving something back to the older members of our community.
Hibiscus Rodders Inc fundraiser for New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation - Annual Event!
This was such a fun day! We all met down at the Orewa Surf Club at 11.30 to leave at midday for a cruise to Stillwater Hall. - Best dressed pink car, pink male, pink female, pink children and best pink picnic rug! Featuring the Band Vermeer, sausage sizzle and cake stand til 5pm. |
October 2024